Swami Ramdev holds yoga workshop in Toronto

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Swami RamdevRenowned yoga guru Swami Ramdev is holding a week-long workshop in Toronto from October 12 to teach his unique brand of pranayama (breathing) exercises, which has won him thousands of followers across the world.

The yoga exponent had recently toured the US and Britain. “The week-long workshop will provide an opportunity to Canadians to get a feel for the anatomy of poses and pranayama, where asana and Buddhist mindfulness merge,” said Anil Bhasin, spokesperson for the workshop.

Bhasin said the workshop, which will begin on October 12, would provide an opportunity for participants to “invoke their innermost ‘centre of excellence’ or the link between spiritual and social activism”.

Ramdev will also impart training on how to apply the benefits
of yoga in personal relationships, he said.“Yoga concentrates on breathing techniques called Pranayama, postures for body flexibility and alignment, and creating a higher consciousness level by harmonising the body and mind for stress free living,” Bhasin added.


Sharmaji is deeply involved with Ayurveda since 15 years. His interest and passion led him to launch AyurvedNews.com and AyurShop.in about a decade ago. Most of the Ayurveda news and articles on this site are approved or published by him.

2 thoughts on “Swami Ramdev holds yoga workshop in Toronto

  • May 18, 2008 at 4:47 am

    eu tive depressao e Deus me deu um presente, um artigo sobre praticas de pranayama. eu pratquei e tive uma melhora maravilhosa. gostaria que me enviasse material sobre o assunto.obrigado!

  • October 6, 2009 at 2:22 am

    it was good to see you write about the workshop by Ramdev in Toronto , starting October 12, but than you fail to indicate any contacts or location .So how about including such information so that it can be usefull , other wise it is a waste of time to read such news…it’s almost like spam !


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