Use of Pregnant Cow Urine for Androgenic Alopecia in Medieval India
Āyurvēda is one of the oldest medical systems in the world, with systematically written treatises like the Samhitās of Suŝruta and Caraka, and the Aṣṭāṅgahr̥daya of Vāgbhaṭa. Drugs have been developed from
medicinal plants used in Āyurvēda, but its treatment regimens have not become accepted by practitioners of modern medicine. With a continuous history spanning more than two millennia, it is a living and still developing practice all over India.
“Use of Pregnant Cow Urine for Androgenic Alopecia in Medieval India” uploaded in Research Gate. It is based on Semantics and involves Mythology, Modern Medicine and Ayurveda. It attempts to show that in the field of Endocrinology, Ayurveda has a Scientific foundation at par with Modern Medicine. This is possibly the first area and first time that the two Sciences have congruence.
India is a treasure house of knowledge, especially health sciences and language as evidenced by the great science of Ayurveda and the body of literature starting with the Vedas. This being so, it is not imprudent to that language holds the key to understanding fully the knowledge hidden in Ayurvedic literature. This is especially true for the semantics (ie meanings) of the words used to name diseases and drugs in Ayurveda.
Such studies can reveal to the world at large the immense knowledge, at par with or even excelling, modern Science in Scientific nature. It was so from time immemorial, long long before Modern Science and Medicine came into existence.
The findings and conclusions in the present article is, hopefully, the first among such revelations. It is earnestly hoped that this article will stimulate many others to take up similar ones, and lead Ayurveda back to its glorious past.
It has been uploaded in Research Gate and is accessible for free. It can be referred to using the DOI which is 10.13140/RG.2.2.11668.60800 (Go to ; insert the DOI number). The link is
Since it has a DOI, it can easily be referred to and freely accessed.

Sharmaji is deeply involved with Ayurveda since 15 years. His interest and passion led him to launch and about a decade ago. Most of the Ayurveda news and articles on this site are approved or published by him.
Sharmaji, thanks a lot for the article post.Much thanks again. Fantastic.